Terms and Conditions

The participant fee depends on the package booked.. The fee includes event participation, refreshments (water, coffee), snacks, and the After-Milonga.

Participation at the „Frankfurt tango Festival“ is only possible for registered participants. There is no option to buy tickets at the entrance without prior confirmation by the organizers.

Registration for the marathon can be submitted as a single participant or in couples with the registration form published on the website. The data provided by the participant should be up-to-date and truthful. For the consequences of misrepresentation by the participant, the full responsibility lies solely upon her-/himself.

It is a “role balanced” event.  Therefore, the organizers pay attention to the number of double, follower and leader dancers. Given the limited number of places in the marathon, the organizers reserve the right to select participants. The organizers do not communicate reasons for admittance or refusal.

Your registration is personal and non-transferable. The data of the participants will be verified on the day of the event.

If two or more participants register with a partner (e.g. dance couple or romantic couple or users of the three for free option) the following conditions apply: 

  1. Couples of two participants (couple registration):
    If one of the partners cancels, the organizers retain the right to move the remaining dancer on a waiting list without reimbursement of the registration fee. The registration fee will be reimbursed with a 15 EUR handling fee if the remaining dancer is not moved from the waiting list until the event and in conjunction with the below indicated cancellation clause. Yet, the remaining dancer has the possibility to request a change of partner. Change of partners can be submitted up until 7 days prior to the event. The new partner needs to register via the above mentioned registration form and an e-mail application (orga@la-cuerda-tango-marathon.com) with the change request. If the new partner gets accepted, the then remaining dancer will be moved off the waiting list and the canceled partner receives the reimbursement under the below indicated cancellation clause.
  2. “Three for free” option
    In case the follower cancels, there will be no changes in payment/refund. The three remaining Leaders are regular participants of the event. If one of the leaders cancels, the “three for free” option is invalidated. Therefore, there will not be a refund of the payments. The cancellation of a leader leads to the result of three paying participants.  Yet, the remaining dancer has the possibility to request a replacement partner. Partners for replacement can be submitted up until 7 days prior to the event. The new partner needs to register via the above mentioned registration form and an e-mail application (orga@la-cuerda-tango-marathon.com). If the new partner gets accepted, the then remaining follower will have the “free” status restored.
    The partner that has canceled then receives the reimbursement under the below indicated cancellation clause.
    Alternatively the payment of the third partner is regulated between the participant that has canceled and the replacement partner. In this case please inform us, then payment-status and registration-status er both record and no further action is necessary.

The registration fee is due 3 weeks (21 days) after the confirmation and the latest one day before the event takes place, in cases admittance has been less than 21 days before the event. The organizers retain the right to move the dancer back on the waiting list or to withdraw the participation if the registration fee is not received until the communicated date in the confirmation email.

Until August 31st, 2024 – 100% refund of the paid amount with a 15 EUR handling fee deduction
After September 1st, 2024 – no refund.

The transfer of the ticket is possible with the consent of the organizer – the rebooking fee is 10% of the ticket price. Please contact us: hello@tango-factory.com

Transaction costs incl. exchange rates differences are non refundable in any case.
Random accidents as well as illness or professional obligations do not constitute a basis for refund after September 1st, 2024.

The organizers do not offer insurance for participants. When participating in the event. – iIt is recommended to purchase insurance on your own.

The organizers are not responsible for the possessions left by the participant without any supervision and / or adequate security during the participation at the event. Although the organizers try to provide participants with the highest level of security.

The organizers do not bear responsibility for the occurrence of desaturated force majeure, and in particular, may arise blockades of borders and ports, airports, due to the state of epidemics in connection with infections SARS-CoV-2 . The participant is obliged to consult the detailed regulations upon entry into the country and agrees to respect and follow the official German Covid-19 regulations valid at the time of the event.

In exceptional cases, when the organization of the event is impossible or significantly impeded, the organizers retain the right to cancel the event. The participant will receive the reimbursement of the costs of registration fee for the event, minus any online payment provider commission. The organizers will not refund any other incurred costs.

The orrganizers also retain the right to make changes to the event program, the venue and/or date of the event.

This event explicitly allows videos and photographs of the participants. By submitting the registration, the dancer consents to publish any pictures and videos taken throughout the event. Pictures and videos will be published on social media and the website.

NON-HARASSMENT CLAUSE non-harassment clause
It is important to us, the organizers, to create an event where everyone feels welcome and safe. Therefore, we ask everyone, you, to adopt respectful, non-intrusive and non-violent behavior. Harassment of any nature is not tolerated. You, the participant, are most encouraged to report to us, the organizers and helpers, any violent or harassing behavior. This is important to maintain a safe and peaceful event.
Any person perpetrating such misconduct might be excluded immediately from the event and / or can lead to further legal actions depending on the gravity of the misconduct.

European GDPR law applies. The administrator of your personal data are the organizers of this event. All data in the registration form serve the purpose to process the registration for this event and will be handled strictly confidential. 

By submitting your registration, the participant accepts the above stated terms and conditions.